A downloadable game for macOS

Attack on Chibi is my 2nd game made with Godot 4.1.1. It is all about swinging around and chopping big bois. I am still a teenager so don't expect much from it. It is also Mac only as I don't own a computer that runs the windows OS. I will update this version because godot 4.1.1 is cool and godot 4.3 beta is a buggy mess. So yeah... There is mild blood, but it is just in small amounts and is pretty rare, so don't die.


v0.1 - The Unfinished 7th Grade Update

I made this to show off the game to my friends and they liked it. It was made in godot 4.3 beta because that was the only version that didn't need the goofy ahh html check box to open new window option.

v0.2 - The Bluddy Update

BLOOOD! SPLISH SPLOOSH SPLASH GASH! (In other words, a lot of blood and things that my friends wanted)

Published 4 days ago
StatusIn development
GenrePlatformer, Action, Fighting


attackonchibiv0.2.dmg 100 MB

Install instructions

Broh, it cost $100 per year to do the apple developer signing thing and it is better to use the 100 dollars on the upcoming DND 5.5,  so ya have to right click to open. 

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